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Katelyn Adrien.

Cafe worker.

Age: 26.

pronouns: She/her

Sexuality: Pan-romantic, Asexual

Species: Human

Close Friend: Liam/Stephen

Partner: N/A

Appearance Description

Her hair is a bright Orange, with a stripe of green and brown of each side of her face, despite the un-natural colour, it never seems to fade. She has ivory skin and rosey red cheeks. Her outfit is a orange, red, and yellow striped shirt, and dungerees with dark blue and purple patches on (And a mushroom pin that Stephen gave her).


"Katelyn doesn't remember why she's here, or when she turned up here, all she knew is that she wanted leave as soon as possible"

Her parents gave her up when she was young, being told she would be given a life her parents could never give her, that wasn't entirely wrong, but it wasn't in the way they expected.

She found a loose brick that made up the walls of her room, that was slightly loose. After a lot of wiggling, it was able to be pushed out, and the gap was just big enough to climb through.

She lived mostly off of food she could steal off of other travellers, and other foods she could find. Until she stumbled across brambleberry, where she promptly passed out of exhaustion and lack of food.

Quick Facts!

  • Katelyn has selective mutism, she communicates mostly via sign language (Makaton its the only one Wayne knew), and writing. She writes in a very neat cursive (again, blame Wayne)
  • She's very good at a lot of sports. Tennis, football, cricket, etc. Football is her favourite